Paru le 16 février 2022 aux Éditions Delcourt
Les zombies sont partout. Du moins dans la culture populaire. « La vie de ma mort » propose de raconter le quotidien d'une famille de zombies et son intégration parmi la société des vivants, à l'école, au boulot, etc.
Quel est le quotidien d'un zombie ? Quelles sont ses aspirations dans l'après-vie ? Les zombies ont certes une anatomie particulière, un régime alimentaire un peu excluant, mais ils n'ont qu'une envie : devenir nos amis, être acceptés avec leurs différences. Fortu aborde avec humour les sujets de l'intégration, de la discrimination, des préjugés, par le biais de ces nouvelles figures pop.
Collection Pataquès - EAN 9782413042754 - Dimensions 15 x 17 cm - Nombre de pages 160
Published on February 16, 2022 by Éditions Delcourt
Zombies are everywhere. At least in popular culture. “The Life of My Death” tells the story of the daily life of a family of zombies and their integration into the society of the living, at school, at work, etc.
What is the daily life of a zombie? What are his aspirations in the afterlife? Zombies certainly have a particular anatomy, a somewhat exclusionary diet, but they only want one thing: to become our friends, to be accepted with their differences. Fortu humorously addresses the subjects of integration, discrimination and prejudice through these new pop figures.
Pataquès Collection - EAN 9782413042754 - Dimensions 15 x 17 cm - Number of pages 160
Zombies are everywhere. At least in popular culture. “The Life of My Death” tells the story of the daily life of a family of zombies and their integration into the society of the living, at school, at work, etc.
What is the daily life of a zombie? What are his aspirations in the afterlife? Zombies certainly have a particular anatomy, a somewhat exclusionary diet, but they only want one thing: to become our friends, to be accepted with their differences. Fortu humorously addresses the subjects of integration, discrimination and prejudice through these new pop figures.
Pataquès Collection - EAN 9782413042754 - Dimensions 15 x 17 cm - Number of pages 160