Paru le 5 octobre 2011 aux Éditions Glénat
Mesdemoiselles, Mesdames, Messieurs, bienvenue au plus grand combat de catch de tous les temps !
À ma gauche, masqué et costaud, le Mercenaire Gris ! À ma droite, tout petit mais finaud : le Sergent vert ! On pourrait croire que le Mercenaire Gris va rapidement dominer son adversaire, mais dans le catch, personne ne peut être sûr de sa victoire jusqu'au décompte de l'arbitre ! D'attaques du coude en feintes insoupçonnées jusqu'à un incroyable KO final, suivez les rebondissements de ce combat rigolo riche en suspense ! Et surprise ! Découvrez en fin d'album les bonnes actions que nos drôles de catcheurs essaient de prodiguer (sans trop de succès) lorsqu'ils ne combattent pas sur le ring…
Collection Les incontournables - EAN 9782723485715 - Dimensions 23,4 x 23,5 cm Nombre de pages 40
Published on October 5, 2011 by Éditions Glénat
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the greatest wrestling match of all time!
To my left, masked and strong, the Gray Mercenary! To my right, very small but clever: the Green Sergeant! You might think that the Gray Mercenary will quickly dominate his opponent, but in wrestling, no one can be sure of his victory until the referee's count! From elbow attacks to unsuspected feints to an incredible final knockout, follow the twists and turns of this fun fight full of suspense! And surprise! Discover at the end of the album the good deeds that our funny wrestlers try to do (without much success) when they are not fighting in the ring...
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the greatest wrestling match of all time!
To my left, masked and strong, the Gray Mercenary! To my right, very small but clever: the Green Sergeant! You might think that the Gray Mercenary will quickly dominate his opponent, but in wrestling, no one can be sure of his victory until the referee's count! From elbow attacks to unsuspected feints to an incredible final knockout, follow the twists and turns of this fun fight full of suspense! And surprise! Discover at the end of the album the good deeds that our funny wrestlers try to do (without much success) when they are not fighting in the ring...